I climbed up to 4th floors of the distillation today!( 4 and a half)
It was scary when I looked down, I can't let go of the handle.
The support don't stay still, they vibrate whenever people step on them.
My heart was beating as if I could hear it.
It was scary yet thrilling, just like when you are riding a roller coaster.
The difference is that you only feel the intense excitement when the roller coaster ride high up then come down again.
But I feel the sharp sensation for the whole time I was on the platform. ( for free too! :D)
The view was nice. Air was cooling.
Everything becomes so clear and the view can extend further for a few miles.
I was having so much fun with myself today. hahaha.
so who cares about those little mean bastard that piss me off.
Monday, March 7, 2011
happily marched into CPTC today, wearing sandals.
Then, people there told us we must wear covered shoes from tomorrow's onwards.
I HAVE NONE. the last pair that I bought, the red colour converse was stolen.
(still feel like cursing the asshole who took it whenever I remember my shoes *heart broken*)
had been dragging for so long since I lost the last pair.
No more dragging.
i rushed to jurong point to buy one, yep rushing but not simply buying alright.

This is it.:D. it looks nice, really! if it doesn't appear nice, it's just because of my lousy phone.
ps: have a strong urge to dye my hair red.
opinion anyone?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
there goes the 70 dollars,
sent my wallet for colour and washing.
It's gonna be my first day at Chemical Process Training Centre tomorrow.
Well, it's not excitement I am feeling now, nor it is anxiety.
It's just like..hmmm
feel somehow like going into jail.
there's alot of procedure, hard work, people I don't know.
alright, I am not trying to be pessimistic here, well, I really feel like that.
bye bye holidays and heyyyyy jurong island.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
JB one day trip with mz, dw, ivan and qw.
Watched the adjustment bureau.
alright. movie was not bad. it's about how a man got in love with the girl, then fight hard to get her. yeah, love story. and guess what?
This guy that appeared in the movie,
this guy that played observer in FRINGE.
don't they look just the same? They dress a-like,
and their job is kinda same too- make sure things go according to plan.
well, such coincident?
I bought 2 pairs of grey colour contact lenses. photo would be revealed soon :D.
ps: wanted a hair cut, still thinking whether I should keep my fringe this way or cut it shorter. I always have headache whenever it comes to making decision!